Looking To Save Money And Avoid Bankruptcy? Consider Canceling Your Cable Service

When things are becoming tough financially many people look to cut their living expenses. When unnecessary expenditures are cut that money can be applied to other debts thus preventing foreclosure or chapter 7 bankruptcy.

There are a few things that most of us consider staples. Things that you cannot live without such as food, electricity and for many telephone and cable television services. Cable connects us to the outside world and most Americans are somewhat addicted to the television.

It was recently reported in the Chicago Sun Times that one person out of every 300 is canceling their cable service. Some of these cancellations can be attributed to the increase in foreclosures that have been happening across the country. When a family loses their home in foreclosure there is often a period where they need to get back on their feet. It can be challenging for some people to even get a rental after a foreclosure. Because of this, more and more people and moving in with friends and family. When multiple families are sharing a home they also share a cable service which accounts for the loss of a subscriber.

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Other homeowners may be trying everything they can think of to avoid or stop foreclosure. This includes canceling every service they can possibly live without and applying the money to make past due mortgage payments.

It has become very easy to cancel cable if you keep services like Netflix and high speed internet you really won't be missing much without a television. Television network sites offer full episodes of popular shows that can be viewed online and services like Hulu.com give you access to all kinds of television programming though the internet. Netflix can be used online or by mail.

Another trend of skipping the home phone and utilizing cell phones is gaining popularity as well. Families don't see the need for two telephones in their homes. Cell phones are reliable and most people keep them close by at all times. The only difficult thing about canceling your home phone service is changing phone numbers with your health care provider, children's schools and other contacts.

Bankruptcy lawyers will tell you that as soon as you begin to feel overextended with your bills you need to begin cutting costs. With online television available and the popularity of cell phones cable and a home phone are services that people can easily do without.

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